Introducing Mark Scheerer, Programs Director

I am the Chapter Programs and Services Director; and have been with the chapter since 1993.  When I started with the chapter back in ’93 the first drug to actually treat MS had just been released and there was a lottery to determine who received the drug since there was a limited supply at that time.  That seems like a long time ago!  Over the years there have been so many changes in treating MS and it’s great to work for an organization that has helped spearhead many of the changes.

My experiences with the chapter have been both good as well as challenging.  I’ve been lucky to meet people who I consider my friends – both people with MS and also my co-workers.  Our staff is a dynamic one and I’m convinced one of the best in the country at working together to put an end to multiple sclerosis.  Challenges have come as I’ve seen some of my friends become increasingly affected by MS which makes me work even harder to contribute to the efforts of our chapter.  While I work directly with people living with MS, I also ride in our Bike MS: Tour to Tanglewood.  In this way I can share with other cyclists the ways their efforts are making a difference in the lives of over 2400 people living with MS in our chapter.